I have some similar opinions as well. Money Heist was good, but it didn’t keep me hooked like Prison Break. I think I mostly stuck with it because I wanted improve my listening skills in Spanish.
The point I highlighted is my general beef with a lot of popular shows today. Nowadays shows and movies seem to have a lot of forced diversity and they try too hard to be woke when tackling those rough topics that reflect today’s society.
I think the 90s and 2000s did a great job tackling hard topics without sounding like they’re acting out Twitter rant. The casts of these shows also did a better job showing off diversity without being overwhelmingly obvious about it.
A movie like the Cheetah Girls did a great portraying a music group that consisted of girls of different ethnicities and social economic classes without stating the obvious or being overly preachy. The characters were relatable due to their personalities not their ethnic background or how wealthy they were/weren’t…..which is ironically how we’re suppose to judge people in the first place.
A TV show like Fresh Prince of Bel Air did a great job tackling subjects like racism, classism, gun violence and broken families without sounding like Twitter rant or over highlighting the fact that Banks family were well-off black people living in a wealthy LA neighborhood. Again, we fell in love with their personalities.
A show like Degrassi tackled what seemed like nearly everything: drugs, rape, abuse, school shootings, broken families, islamophobia, eating disorders, teenage pregnancy, people figuring out their sexuality. The show was DEEP, but it still didn’t sound annoyingly preachy like some of today’s shows.